My dear readers of Journal of Extension Education,
By the turn of this century, the Ministry of
Agriculture, Govt. of India developed a Policy Framework for Agricultural
Extension, which aimed for a major reform and reorientation of India's entire
agricultural extension system while highlighting the limitations of the
predominant public-sector extension in the country. The state
governments with whom the responsibility of agricultural extension rest, should
take this policy framework and the emerging issues in the field in the
development of extension policies. Absence of a current day adjusted
extension policy has been flagged as a serious challenge in India's public
extension system according the Committee on Doubling Farmers' Income, Ministry
of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, during 2017.
In a GFRAS (Global Forum
for Rural Advisory Services ) publication (Mueller,2016), the following emerging issues have been
considered extremely valuable while formulating such extension policies.
Participatory, farmer-led decision-making: When best practices are made available to regions that
are struggling to address poverty and food security through extension services,
decisions on how to implement such services should be participatory, involving
field-based extension staff, leaders of rural communities, and local farmer
Privately-led extension and public-private
partnerships: Once the production and postharvest capabilities
are improved, inclusion of private sector partners often leads to the
development of value chain markets and Public-private partnerships (PPPs) may enhance the participation of smallholders in such
Gender equality and nutrition awareness: Promoting agricultural innovations - especially among
women farmers - and increasing their awareness of nutrition implications for
their children and families may also lead to increased food security and
support the development of gender equality as an extension policy.
ICT and
mass extension: ICT and mass extension
hold out exciting possibilities for innovating the
transfer of best practices and capacity development to smallholders and extensionists. The potential to teach and learn, record
experiences, and develop e-learning tools is growing exponentially as new
technologies emerge and countries invest in their IT infrastructures.
Value chain marketing: A key element of the emerging issues and opportunities
for smallholders is their access and capacity to participate in the growing
number of value chain markets that focus on smallholders and small and medium
enterprises (SMEs).
Building partnerships: One of the keys to the success of the next stage of
international development is a greater emphasis on partnerships and
coordination among the stakeholders.
This issue of JEE
contains articles on emerging topics including
participatory evaluation of technologies, performance of vocational education
agricultural teachers and emotional intelligence of agricultural officers.
Do send your feedback on these papers to editorextension@gmail.com.
Puthira Prathap