Journal of Extension Education 2025-03-01T03:57:13+00:00 Dr. D Puthira Prathap Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The <em>Journal of Extension Education (JEE)</em> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal in the field of extension education published by the Extension Education Society (EES).</strong></p>The journal is published in both <em>print</em> and <em>online</em><em> </em>versions. [<strong>Print ISSN: 0971-3123; Online ISSN: 2456-1282</strong>]. The CODEN assigned to JEE is <strong><em>JEEOBM</em> .</strong><br /><p><strong><br /></strong></p> From the Editor's Desk 2025-02-26T01:36:21+00:00 PRATHAP D PUTHIRA <p><em>This editorial (JEE , 35 (3)) deals with the need for extension interventions in urban agriculture.&nbsp;</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cocoa Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Extension Services in Ghana 2024-05-24T09:20:53+00:00 Nelson Konkombo Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum Collins Osei John-Eudes Andivi Bakang Fred Ankuyi Ebenezer Osei Jones Mark Arhin Prince Asiedu <p><em>Agricultural extension services play a pivotal role in enhancing the productivity, resilience, and</em><br /><em>sustainability of farming systems, particularly for smallholder farmers. In Ghana, cocoa farming remains a vital </em><em>economic activity, contributing significantly to livelihoods and national revenue. However, the effectiveness </em><em>of extension service delivery has often been limited by inadequate resources, infrequent farm visits, and a </em><em>lack of tailored support to address farmer-specific needs. As farmers increasingly face challenges, the demand </em><em>for improved extension services has become more urgent. This study explores cocoa farmers’ willingness to </em><em>pay (WTP) for improved extension services in Ghana. The research employed a cross-sectional survey design, </em><em>selecting 394 respondents through the multi-stage sampling process. Majority of the farmers were willing to </em><em>pay for improved extension services, thus, arrangement for the supply of inputs, financial literacy and farm </em><em>management training, and access to high-quality, certified seeds. Factors influencing willingness to pay included </em><em>age, household size, household headship, farm size, sex, farming experience, access to credit, and skilled labour. </em><em>There is strong consensus on three critical features of an improved extension system: the frequency of farm </em><em>visits, prompt response from extension agents, and availability of essential tools and equipment. For improved </em><em>extension services, the Ghana Cocoa Board must design and promote financial mechanisms that facilitate </em><em>farmers’ ability to pay for extension services through flexible payment options or subsidies for disadvantaged </em><em>farmers.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Challenges and Constraints in Adopting Modern Horticulture Practices in Apple Orchards 2024-07-28T01:47:19+00:00 Jyoti Thakur Uma Pandey <p><em>In many developing countries the adoption rate of new agricultural technology especially by small-scale </em><em>farmers is low. The factors influencing farmers’ adoption of new technologies vary from specific circumstances </em><em>to local conditions. The most essential aspect in the adoption of new tools and techniques is the farmer’s </em><em>perception of these technologies which often remains unidentified. Using a mixed method approach, this </em><em>study explored marginal and small-scale apple orchardists of rural Shimla in Himachal Pradesh, India for their </em><em>perceptions, challenges, and limitations of adaptive capacity to modern horticulture practices. Via in-depth </em><em>interviews, the growers shared multifaceted challenges and fears impeding their adoption decision, the most </em><em>noticeable ones were - the high cost of horticulture inputs, unpredictable weather conditions, small orchard </em><em>size, inadequate labour, insufficient knowledge on modern horticulture practices and lack of information from </em><em>the government departments. Based on these interviews, a thematic analysis and a survey were conducted </em><em>- broadly representing the common horticulture problems and factors restricting these orchardists from </em><em>adopting new technologies.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Assessing the Satisfaction of Women Members of Cooperative Societies 2024-12-02T02:18:47+00:00 Gopika B Jisha K K K Gireesan S Nehru <p><em>In Kerala, a constituent state of India, the expansion of agricultural and related cooperatives </em><br /><em>indicates </em><em>the general degree of contentment among its members. This study aims to analyse data from a primary </em><em>survey among agricultural and milk cooperatives to elucidate the elements contributing to members’ </em><em>satisfaction. Descriptive statistics indicate that most female members of the cooperatives have </em><em>completed only a basic level of education, and furthermore, only a minority of them occupy </em><em>important roles within these organizations. The estimated structural equation model depicts the </em><em>dynamics of satisfaction in detail. According to the study, members’ participation in cooperative </em><em>activities yields a variety of benefits, thereby increasing their overall </em><em>satisfaction.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Factors Affecting Adoption of Recommended Rice Cultivation Practices by Farmers of South Kerala 2025-01-14T01:21:35+00:00 Shanila S <p><em>Rice is a fundamental staple crop and plays a significant role in agricultural production across </em><br /><em>the southern part of Kerala, India. Implementing recommended rice cultivation practices is </em><br /><em>essential for boosting yield, promoting sustainability, and enhancing the livelihoods of farmers. </em><br /><em>However, even with the scientifically proven practices developed by Kerala Agricultural University </em><br /><em>(KAU), the extent of adoption among farmers differs considerably. The present study was conducted </em><em>in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, Ernakulam and Idukki districts </em><em>to find out the factors affecting adoption of recommended rice cultivation practices by the farmers </em><em>of South Kerala. A total of 105 respondents were selected from one panchayat of each of these seven </em><em>districts. The extent of adoption of selected KAU technologies in rice varieties was found to be </em><em>‘medium’ among the majority of farmers. The results of the correlation analysis revealed that out of 11 </em><em>independent variables selected for the study, three variables were positively and significantly </em><em>related to the dependent variable adoption of recommended practices by rice farmers. The main </em><em>factors that influence technology adoption of recommended practices were extension participation </em><em>and achievement motivation </em><em>followed by innovativeness.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Constraints Experienced by Women Entrepreneurs in Managing Poultry and Handicraft Enterprises 2024-10-28T01:03:02+00:00 Vennila Mary A Tamilselvi G <p><em>A study was conducted with 150 women entrepreneurs managing poultry and handicraft enterprises in </em><em>Tirupattur District of Tamil Nadu, India to identify the constraints they faced. The main production constraints </em><em>experienced by the women entrepreneurs in poultry were high mortality rates, high costs of good-quality feed, </em><em>and other inputs. The major marketing constraints they encountered were rumours about hormone injection </em><em>and other alleged health hazards associated with consuming poultry meat and products. Similarly, the major </em><em>constraints experienced by them in handicraft production were shortages of raw materials, lack of skilloriented </em><em>training, and inadequate finance. The major marketing constraints the women entrepreneurs faced</em><br /><em>were lack of transportation and price fluctuations. These insights can help address the challenges faced by </em><em>women entrepreneurs in these sectors.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 An Empirical Analysis of Scientific Attitude among Undergraduate Students in Agricultural Sciences 2025-01-10T03:32:00+00:00 Raghu Ananthula Rajender Jatoth <p><em>This study explored the determinants of scientific attitude among undergraduate agriculture students </em><em>in Telangana State of India, analyzing their attitude levels and demographic influences. A sample of 250 </em><em>B.Sc. Agriculture students from Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University was surveyed using </em><em>random sampling. Factor analysis, normal probability curve, and inferential analysis revealed that most </em><em>students exhibited a moderate scientific attitude, with significant differences based on gender, age, and </em><em>parental occupation. Male students and those below 19 showed higher engagement, while students from </em><em>government-employed families had the highest scores. Findings suggested the need for targeted educational </em><em>strategies, including curiosity-driven learning, hands-on experiments, gender equity, early exposure, and </em><em>infrastructure upgrades, to enhance scientific attitudes in agricultural education.</em></p> 2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023