About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Extension Education (JEE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal in the field of extension education published by the Extension Education Society (EES) from 1990.

It accepts articles representing original work, analytical papers and papers grounded in theory in the field of Extension Education, with reference to agriculture and rural development.

Articles should relate to emerging issues, cite appropriate literature, and draw out implications for extension education.

The journal is published in both print and online versions.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to JEE will be assessed for publication based on its originality of its contribution to the field of extension education, soundness of its theory and methodology, coherence of analysis and the paper's ability to effectively communicate to its readers.

As of now, JEE uses Single-blinded review, where names of the reviewers are invariably hidden from the author, while reviewers may or may not know the identity of the author(s).

After initial assessment by the Chief Editor, the submitted manuscript will move to the stage of rigorous peer review, where researchers/academics in the relevant field will go through the manuscript and advise the Chief Editor on its suitability to publish in JEE and consequent revision by the author(s), if required. Every article published in JEE has been through peer review for its quality and relevance assessed by independent peers.


COMPLAINT POLICY: Complaints regarding published material will be accepted within 12 months from the first publication date. In case of any complaint, the authors are required to submit their complaints along with their reasons/valid proof to the editorial office at editorextension@gmail.com   

Open Access Policy

JEE provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

How to subscribe to JEE?

How to subscribe to JEE?

The Extension Education Society is pleased to present the subscription price list of JEE. 

1. Life Member (7 Years) - Individual : Rs.4000.00 ($ 160)

2. Annual Member - Individual : Rs.750.00 ($50) 

  • Single copy : Rs.150.00 ($20)
  • Annual Subscription - Members belonging to other faculty/discipline : Rs.750.00 ($50)
  • Institutional : Rs.5000.00 ($ 200) - Jan – Dec

Demand draft may be drawn in favour of Treasurer, Extension Education Society, payable at State Bank of India, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Branch, Coimbatore - 3

Online payment: State Bank of India A/c No. 10663186407, TNAU Branch, Coimbatore-641003. IFSC : SBIN0002274 . Branch code: 2274. After payment, send a confirmation mail with transaction details to nimmybala@rediffmail.com , ksocietytnau@gmail.com  and editorextension@gmail.com 

Further details can be had from the Treasurer, Extension Education Society, TNAU Campus, Coimbatore – 641003 (Phone : 91-9600841142 OR 91-9443178752 OR 91-7338780093 )

Click here to download EES membership form


Extension Education Society

The Extension Education Society which publishes JEE is established to promote the cause of extension scientists. Membership is open to persons with specialization in Extension Education and who are professing the discipline, subject to the approval of the Executive Council.

EES Executive Council (2022 -25)

President: Dr. C. Karthikeyan

Vice-President: Dr.M.Asokhan

Secretary: Dr.P.P. Murugan

Treasurer: Dr. M.Nirmaladevi

Chief Editor: Dr.D.Puthira Prathap




Dr A K Singh

Vice-Chancellor, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi

Dr P Chandrashekara

Director General, MANAGE, Hyderabad

Dr V P Chahal

Former ADG (Agricultural Extension), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi

Dr Sreenath Dixit

Formet Theme Leader, ICRISAT Development Centre, Hyderabad

Dr Murari Suvedi

Professor, Michigan State University, USA

Dr M J Chandre Gowda

Principal Scientist, ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute – Zone XI, Bengaluru

Dr N Balasubramani

Director (Climate Change & Adaptation), MANAGE, Hyderabad

Dr B S Hansra

Former ADG , (Agricultural Extension), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi

Dr N.K.Sudeep Kumar

Former Director of Extension Education, TANUVAS, Chennai

Dr K Thangamani

Former Dean, Home Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

JEE is committed to ensuring ethics in publication and quality of articles as defined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).


      I.        An author is an individual who has made substantial intellectual contributions to a scientific investigation. Authors must include their profile, including affiliation and rank, when submitting a manuscript. Submitters should fill-in the metadata related to the manuscript such as authors (In case of multiple authors, each author should be entered separately, using ADD AUTHOR option, one by one. This is very important.), keywords, references etc.,

A substantial intellectual contribution would require an individual to have significantly participated in one or more of the following activities, i.e., formulating the research problem, designing the study, implementing the study, interpreting and/or analyzing the results, writing and/or reviewing the research paper, and responding to critique. Authorship issue/order should be discussed early in the phase of their work. Authors should have read the manuscript submitted to JEE  before print and must be prepared to take responsibility for the data, its interpretations, and conclusions made in it. For multiple authors, the order of names normally should reflect the contributions made by each of them, with the most significant contributor listed as the first author, and so on. All authors must be ready to submit written documentation of their specific contributions. Gift, Ghost, or honorary authorship is not acceptable (Ghost/Gift/Guest author is someone who is listed as an author without qualifying for authorship and also someone whose name is included without permission, but meant to acknowledge)

(Drawn from various sources)

Journal History

  • The Journal of Extension Education is an academic journal that is being published as a quarterly since 1990.
  • It accepts articles representing original work, analytical papers and papers based on review of extensive literature in the field of Extension Education. 
  • The journal is published in both print and online versions  (Print ISSN: 0971-3123 ; Online ISSN: 2456-1282). 
  • The CODEN assigned to JEE is JEEOBM .