JEE Special Issue on “Social Media and Agricultural Extension” - Call for Papers

Call for Papers:   Journal of Extension Education: Special Issue on “Social Media and Agricultural Extension†   Submission deadline: May 31, 2023   JEE is soliciting manuscripts for its forthcoming Special Issue on “Social Media and Agricultural Extensionâ€. The objective is to publish quality research papers on both positive and negative aspects of using Social media in Agricultural Extension.  Only original scientific research articles with relevance to extension education will be accepted. Manuscripts will be assessed for publication based on its originality of its contribution to the field of agricultural extension, soundness of its theory and methodology, coherence of analysis and the paper's ability to effectively communicate to its readers. Submission types: Research Article: The article should be full-length, technically original research document that should describe new and carefully confirmed findings. Methodological procedures and findings should be given in detail sufficient for others to replicate the work. Recommended length is 8000 to 10000 words Research Note: Typically of 3000-5,000 words, this category does not require all the usual sections of a full-length research article. They may be short reports that describe a single result or an experiment relevant to the theme, that have broad relevance for JEE. The author guidelines are available at Submitted manuscripts (through the online submission process at ) would undergo a blind peer - review process. Authors of manuscripts (members of Extension Education Society) accepted for publication in this special issue need not pay page- printing charges. Authors should mention specifically that the submitted article is for the "Special Issue" in the "Comments for the Editor" box during the online submission process.  Journal of Extension Education [Print ISSN: 0971-3123; Online ISSN: 2456-1282] Extension Education Society Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Campus Coimbatore – 641 003 Contact Info:  Dr. D. Puthira Prathap Chief Editor Journal of Extension Education  Contact Email: URL: