Role of Institutional and Policy Factors in Influencing Adaptations to Climate Change


  • Vanitha Kommu Tata Institute of Social Sciences



Climate Change; Adaptation; Farmer;, Awareness; Knowledge; Policy support; Andhra Pradesh


The purpose of the study was to understand the role of institutional and policy factors in influencing the climate change adaptations by the farmers. The study was conducted in a climate vulnerable district of Andhra Pradesh, India by covering 90 farmer households through structured interviews and Focus Group Discussions. The selected villages had the climate change related projects implemented in the past. The findings revealed that while the farmers were aware of climate change and adaptations, the adaptation decisions were largely influenced by the policy factors like minimum support price, subsidies, loans, credit, market, extension, quality inputs, weather advisory etc. There is a need for an enabling policy environment for the farmers to follow the adaptations and benefit from the same.

Author Biography

Vanitha Kommu, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Tata Institute of Social Sciences - Hyderabad campus, Brahmannapalli Road, Abdullapurmet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad-501510 .  


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How to Cite

Kommu, V. (2023). Role of Institutional and Policy Factors in Influencing Adaptations to Climate Change. Journal of Extension Education, 34(2), 6790–6800.