Dairy Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Kerala, India


  • S R Shyam Suraj College of Dairy Science and Technology, Mannuthy, Kerala




Entrepreneurial ecosystem; dairy; factors; actors; linkages; roles; Kerala


During the recent times, studies on entrepreneurship are found to shift their focus from entrepreneurcentered to environment-centered; outlining the role of entrepreneurial ecosystem in creating productive entrepreneurship. An attempt was made to map the dairy entrepreneurial ecosystem of Kerala state in India, to understand the actors and factors, functional stages of the actors and the linkages among them. The methodology followed was desk research, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Mapping exposed the major actors under the financial, support, technology, human capital, culture and legal domains; and factors were direct, partially direct and indirect. The actors were grouped under the different functional stages of ideation, establishment, survival, early and late growth and maturity; as well as their linkages were portrayed. The findings shall enable appropriate planning and interventions to refurbish the ecosystem for a more dynamic dairy entrepreneurial development.

Author Biography

S R Shyam Suraj , College of Dairy Science and Technology, Mannuthy, Kerala

College of Dairy Science and Technology, KVASU, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 040 (Kerala)


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How to Cite

Shyam Suraj , S. R. . (2024). Dairy Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Kerala, India. Journal of Extension Education, 35(1), 6951–6960. https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2023.1.35.6951-6960