Impact of training on adoption and knowledge gain in facilitators of People’s Rural Education Movement (PREM)


  • M Remya Kerala Agricultural University
  • Alexander George Kerala Agricultural University


Present study intended to assess adoption and knowledge gain of trainees after attending the training from Kerala Agricultural University (KAU).  For that 90 respondents were selected through simple random sampling. An ex- post facto research design was adopted for the study. Data was analysed using wilcoxon signed rank test, correlation test, and frequency and percentage analyses. Factors affecting adoption and knowledge gain was find out using correlation test. Finding reveal that respondents fully adopted organic and eco friendly farming practices (89%); integrated pest and disease management (76%) and improved animal husbandry practices (74%).  All the respondents gained knowledge through the training.   

Author Biographies

M Remya, Kerala Agricultural University

PG Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University

Alexander George, Kerala Agricultural University

Professor and Head, Central Training Institute, Kerala Agricultural University


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How to Cite

Remya, M., & George, A. (2016). Impact of training on adoption and knowledge gain in facilitators of People’s Rural Education Movement (PREM). Journal of Extension Education, 27(4). Retrieved from