Impact Assessment of Mechanical Transplantation in Cauvery Delta Districts of Tamil Nadu


  • Ravi Kumar Theodore Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  • N Venkatesa Palanichamy Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  • V Ravi Tamil Nadu Agricultural University



Impact assessment, Machine transplanting, Rice, Cauvery delta zone, Tamil Nadu


During June 2015, the Government of Tamil Nadu implemented the “Kuruvai Season Special Assistance 2015 for Delta districts†programme to boost rice production. A study was conducted to assess the impact of machine transplanting, which was an important component of this special package. The comparative economics of conventional and machine planting revealed that yield increased by nearly 40.00 per cent; cost of cultivation decreased by 21.00 per cent; cost of production reduced by 43.00 per cent; and net returns increased by more than four times (448.00 %), over the manually planted fields. Farmers’ feedback on machine planting was very optimistic with all the beneficiaries expressing that they had opted for machine planting to overcome labour scarcity and to increase yields.

Author Biographies

Ravi Kumar Theodore, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Dean i/c & Professor (Agrl. Extension), Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Sakthinagar, Nachimuthupuram –638 315, Erode District, Tamil Nadu

N Venkatesa Palanichamy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Professor (Agrl. Economics), Soil & Water Management Research Institute, TNAU, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

V Ravi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Director i/c, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, TNAU, Aduthurai – 612 101, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu


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How to Cite

Theodore, R. K., Palanichamy, N. V., & Ravi, V. (2018). Impact Assessment of Mechanical Transplantation in Cauvery Delta Districts of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Extension Education, 29(4).