Participation of Self Help Group Tribal Women in Economic and Social Developmental Activities


  • T.N. Sujeetha Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, TNAU.
  • V. Ravichandran Vanavarayar Institute of Technology, Pollachi
  • M.V. Karuna Jeba Mary Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, TNAU, Coimbatore.


A study was taken up among the tribal women in the Nilgiris district mainly to assess the extent of participation of tribal women SHG members in various developmental activities.Kotagiri and Gudalur blocks were selected based on the presence of NGOs specifically working for the tribes. Totally eight SHGs have been randomly selected for the study. This comprises four each from Todas and Kattunayakas. A sample of 10 members from each SHGs have been randomly selected. Thus the total sample size is 80. The results indicated that the overall analysis indicate that majority (55.00%) of the tribal women hadmedium level of participation followed by high and low levels.

Author Biographies

T.N. Sujeetha, Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, TNAU.

Ph. D Scholar

V. Ravichandran, Vanavarayar Institute of Technology, Pollachi


M.V. Karuna Jeba Mary, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, TNAU, Coimbatore.

Research Associate


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How to Cite

Sujeetha, T., Ravichandran, V., & Karuna Jeba Mary, M. (2016). Participation of Self Help Group Tribal Women in Economic and Social Developmental Activities. Journal of Extension Education, 27(1). Retrieved from