Organic Farming Technologies and Practices Followed by the Farmers


  • M. Elavarasi TNAU
  • K.A. Ponnusamy TNAU


The study mainly focused on organic farming technologies and practices followed by the farmers for coconut, millets, sugarcane and turmeric. The study was conducted in Coimbatore, Erode and Dharampuri districts of Tamil Nadu. A sample of 100 organic farmers was the respondents for the present study. The data were collected from each respondent through personal interview method with the help of interview schedule. The data were analyzed using percentage analysis. The results revealed that, majority of the respondents followed seed treatment with Azospirillum, beejamrutha and panchakavya, application of jeevamruthum and panchakavya through drip irrigation, application of farm yard manure and insitu ploughing of green manure crops, mulching with crop leaf residues and weeds, spraying of agni astram to repel pests, post harvest technology like oil extraction and jaggary preparation, storage techniques like using neem and pungam leaves. The result of the present study shows that, the farmers have the inclination for adoption of organic production practices. Hence it may be concluded from the study that, there is an imperative need to raise the level of adoption of these organic farming practices in order to reduce the quantum of environmental hazards by inorganic farming.

Author Biographies

M. Elavarasi, TNAU

Ph.D. Scholar

K.A. Ponnusamy, TNAU

Professor(Agrl. Extension) Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641 003.


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How to Cite

Elavarasi, M., & Ponnusamy, K. (2016). Organic Farming Technologies and Practices Followed by the Farmers. Journal of Extension Education, 27(2). Retrieved from