A Scale to Measure Farmers Attitude towards Value Addition in Maize


  • D. Yavana Priya TNAU
  • K.A. Ponnusamy TNAU
  • J. Venkitapirabu TNAU


The intent of this research is to identify the attitude of farmers towards value addition in maize. The purpose of scale construction is to design a questionnaire that provides a quantitative measurement of a theoretical variable. The present study aims to develop an attitude scale to measure farmers’ attitude towards value addition in maize. Hence, the study “Production, Value addition and Marketing Behaviour of Maize growers in Tamil Nadu - A Critical Analysis†was contemplated to develop and standardize a scale for measuring the same and conducted during 2012.

Author Biographies

D. Yavana Priya, TNAU

Ph.D. Scholar

K.A. Ponnusamy, TNAU

Professor (Agrl.Extension), Directorate of ODL, TNAU

J. Venkitapirabu, TNAU

Professor, ARS, Bhavanisagar, Erode


Edwards, A. L. 1969. Techniques of Attitude Scale Construction. Vakils, Feffer and Simmons Private Limited, Bombay.

Singh, A.K. 2008. Test, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences. Bharati Bhawan Publishers & Distributors,

New Delhi.

Thurstone, L.L. and E.J. Chave. 1929. The Measurement of Attitude. Chicago University, Chicago Press, Chicago.




How to Cite

Priya, D. Y., Ponnusamy, K., & Venkitapirabu, J. (2016). A Scale to Measure Farmers Attitude towards Value Addition in Maize. Journal of Extension Education, 27(2). Retrieved from https://extensioneducation.org/index.php/jee/article/view/27